165: Can You Make Muscle While You Sleep?

As life leads us all in one direction only, getting older, some things happen to us metabolically whether we want or not and that is obvious aging. In terms of Muscle mass,  muscle synthesis, protein requirements some factors are becoming clearer about what it is we must do as we get older both individually and ...

164: Sarcopenia what is it? And how to reverse it?

Dr. Karl asks the question:How did we get here, a nation, a country, a culture, that is growing weaker at a younger and younger age.In the US., an estimated 53% of men and 43% of women over 80 are sarcopenicMost adults in the US achieve their peak muscle mass sometime in their 30s.People who are physically inactive can lose as ...

Chocolate Pudding – Dairy Free Keto

I always loved pudding - it is so creamy and delicious. I wanted to make a simple dessert that was not a lot of effort. I had several egg yolks and needed to use them - I have plenty of Ice Cream in my freezer, so I decided to try and make pudding. It is dairy free, nut free, sugar free, and amazing! It is great ...

Chicken Sausage – Sugar Free and Great for Breakfast

If you have been watching Dr Karl's videos on PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) and protein requirements, you will know why I am trying to eat 4 'meals' a day.  If you have not seen the series yet, you can watch it HERE I try to get about 20 grams of protein in my  'snacks' and even more during my evening meal. My ...

163: What an Obligate Carnivore Taught Me About My Protein Consumption

Most of us understand what it means to be a carnivore, as a human or an animal. Being an obligate carnivore, however, requires something completely different. If a cat does not get all its nutritional requirements met, it will become ill and die. Almost all cat food is processed, and that initiates a prolonged and gradual ...