164: Sarcopenia what is it? And how to reverse it?

Dr. Karl asks the question:

How did we get here, a nation, a country, a culture, that is growing weaker at a younger and younger age.

In the US., an estimated 53% of men and 43% of women over 80 are sarcopenic

Most adults in the US achieve their peak muscle mass sometime in their 30s.

People who are physically inactive can lose as much as 3 -5% of their muscle mass per decade after age 30

The factors facing us all are surmountable, but not taught us or encourage or required by our education system any more.

Sarcopenia isn’t just about muscle loss

Sarcopenia, is not just related muscle atrophy but is more a metabolic atrophy, and neurologic atrophy, that is starting earlier and earlier age in the US, if not world wide. The contributing factors, as you can guess, stem from our increasing cultural inactivity due to, among other things, time in from to the computer and or TV.

Sarcopenia is the number 1 associated condition with all cause mortality

From cancer, to cardiovascular (ie heart attacks) to cerebrovascular (stroke) to auto-immune disorders, to neurological disorders, etc, etc.

Two-thirds of your blood flow depend on your muscle tone

2//3 of your blood is in you venous which determines your cardiovascular health

Brain Derived Neurotrophic factor should is the reason to reverse sarcopenia

BDNF increases with muscle mass and is directly associated with memory. It is associated with hippocampal volume as we age (the part of your brain responsible for memory).

How Sarcopenia can be reversed is covered at length.

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