Seeing Patients at The Lifestyle Clinic

A full day of seeing patients with Dr. Westman at The Lifestyle Clinic at Duke. Without a doubt Dr. Westman has treated more patients with the Ketogenic diet than anyone in the US if not the world. I was fortunate enough to be able to shadow him and participate in his rounds for the day in his clinic. Lots to talk about. ...

Lemon Loaf

Usually every night after dinner, we have a few slices of egg white bread. We have this on Precision PSMF days as well as our keto days. I experimented with a lemon loaf - it took a few weeks but I finally perfected it. We now alternate Cinnamon Bread, Ginger Spice Bread, and Lemon Loaf every night. You will ...

Prequel to interview with Dr. Westman

When people ask who has the greatest experience with working with the people on a low carb diet, there is only one answer. That’s Dr. Eric Westman. He was only person to actually conduct studies on the approach and methods that Dr. Robert Atkins employed to treat people with a low carb diet...that resulted incredibly ...

Interview with Dr. Thomas Seyfried Part II

Catch your breath from part one and get ready to be introduced to the larger context of treating cancer 'as a metabolic disease' and how essential a calorie-restricted ketogenic diet is to achieving a return to health, creating healthy cells from cancerous ones...a return to “the society of cells” as Dr. Seyfried ...