My Journey from Clean Keto to Precision PSMF

This may be long, but I wanted to document my journey of how I went from Clean Keto to Carnivore to Precision PSMF.

I had gained weight pre and post surgery to remove my brain tumor.  I had been trying for years and years to lose a few pounds, but nothing was working.  I was at the stage of just accepting the weight gain and learn to live with it.

January of 2014, Karl ‘found’ the ketogenic way of eating when he was researching ways to heal his gut.  We first transitioned to Paleo then full clean keto by April 2014.  Initially, I lost some weight but it just didn’t seem to be working for me.

We went to a few medical conferences on Keto and Karl was embarrassed because I kept telling people keto did not work for me.  We still ate clean keto for Karl’s gut health.

About a year later, I decided to track everything I ate and limited my protein.  I also had to learn to increase my fat intake – all while being dairy free.  It was not easy for me, but I did it = AND – the pounds seemed to just melt off of my body.

The scale did not match the change in my body so I would lose maybe 1/2 pound a month, but my clothes were swimming off of me.  I was a very happy camper.

After a couple of years, it became harder to keep the weight off.

January, 2019, we decided to try carnivore for 30 days.  I had terrible bloating every night after dinner – dinner was when I would eat my veggies.

I felt so much better when I did not eat veggies (coming from an ex-vegetarian) so we continued with carnivore.  If on occasion I feel like having a salad, I will.

I started to gain weight and I was very discouraged – I really wanted to keep my weight off.

Karl kept telling me to reduce the fat I was eating and I would vehemently disagree with him since Keto is high fat and eating high fat is how I lost the weight to begin with.   He was also telling me to increase my protein.  Again, that was against what I knew of the ketogenic diet.  I was always hungry on keto and always wanted more protein.  I did not listen to him for over a year.

Then in 2019 some time, he still said I needed to reduce my fat and I should try a protein sparing modified fast.  I had no idea what he was talking about so I kept googling ‘protein sparing modified fast’.  Of course all this technical stuff kept coming up and I was so confused.  Of course, he had been doing a lot of research on Protein Sparing Modified Fast for at least a year – he likes his research.

Finally in April 2020 – about the time lock down began – I just told him to tell me what to eat and I would try PSMF.  Once he laid it out in plain English I said ‘I can do that’.  Sometimes we just need to be told the how and not necessarily the why.

IT WORKED!   I was losing at least a pound a month – for someone who was happy with 1/4 pound a month on keto, I was ecstatic!

My goal was to lose the 10 pounds I had gained.  I guess my goal was pretty small because I have lost 20 pounds!  I weigh the least I have weighed ever (well not at birth).  I had struggled with my weight since I was a child and pretty much had to starve myself to keep my weight down in high school.

It worked so well for me that I felt I had to tell everyone how to do this.   We created an e-book (which I hope to create a hard copy of) and decided to make a Challenge so people can learn how to do this.  This is no longer a 5 day challenge, but a 30 day ‘course’ with support in our private FB group.

Our ‘students’ have had great success.  Like me, people who had gained weight after years of keto and could not lose it,  lost weight.  People whose weight loss had stalled are back to losing weight.  This is not a pitch to sell you are program, but just an encouragement that it works.

I have maintained my weight loss for about a year – it is so easy!  There might be a month where I gain a couple of pounds like eating too many keto treats in December (Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, and New Years) and July (Karl’s birthday) but I no longer worry about a pound or 2 of weight gain since I know I will lose those few pounds the next month.

So – that is the long story.  There is hop and oh, yes – Listen to Dr Karl!

If anyone is interested in our program Precision PSMF, here is the link

Good Luck Everyone!

7 responses to “My Journey from Clean Keto to Precision PSMF”

  1. Jane says:

    Great to hear your story Judi

  2. Jeannie Nutter says:

    Your journey sounds a lot like mine. I’m stuck. I’ve reduced fat and increased protein, but not seeing any changes. Is your program significantly different than Maria’s Emmrich’s. I think I need more one-on-one direction and wondered if your approach is different. Thank you, I’ve so enjoyed your youtube videos since I discovered you and Karl a couple of months ago.

  3. John Cloonan says:

    Wonderful, Judi. Thank you. I just read this to Dawn, my life partner, though we are celebrating four years together this month.
    She is in fact a die hard resister to keto, PSMF, and anything she feels is extreme. It’s been a terrible blow for her to learn of my passion fir healing through this way of life.
    But she still enjoys watching your videos with me, and helps me with all your recipes, though she insists she’ll never subscribe.
    But she loves me and blesses what she feels a mess, knowing that I do subscribe very much.
    Thank you for your heartfelt sharing.

  4. Lisa says:

    I started looking into the PSMF and decided I wanted more info. I took Maria Emmrich’s class and walked away with to much science and not enough basic info on how to get started and general meal plan. I don’t think she knew who her audience was. “It’s in the book” she would say. I should have just bought the book.

    • KNAdmin says:

      I am sorry you did not get the support you deserved. For our Precision PSMF course, we have a private FB group for support. People stay in the group for 40-45 days so they have time to learn and implement. After that, many people who want continued support pay a $10 membership fee. We also have an e-book with history, how to, and recipes. I know I needed help in figuring this out and bugged Karl a lot. Once I had it mastered and it worked, I knew I had to help others. J

  5. Mary says:

    Hello, is it possible to order just the ebook for starters and then buy the rest of the membership if needed?