193: Loss Of A Friend To COVID Made Me Rethink Keto

Nothing like learning of a friend's avoidable death, and seeing the devastation it creates in other people lives that were close to him.
What I'm referring to is that I Lost a friend to covid these last few weeks…
just when we all thought the worst of it had past us by.
Like the last soldier to die in a war after the end of the hostilities, but before it was declared officially over.
He had all of the ‘co-morbidities’ big time in addition to having ethnic pre-dispostion to obesity and diabetes by being Samoan. He lived in a different context of life from mine, followed a different ‘norm’ and now was leaving a different legacy as well. At 49, 5 kids, loving wife, the virus found him.
I write this here, now, because spreading the knowledge of metabolic health (which is really what this FB group is) is NOT a FAD but life saving information, should you choose to use it. It really is
It is on our shoulders to become healthier and to teach, show, our children and friends that it is possible and it a value worth striving for … forever.
My hope is that you never see ‘Keto’ as a fad to lose weight only. It is so much more than that.
Life, is something which we have a personal responsibility to appreciate, respect, and, learn how to be better for ourselves. Our health is part of that learning.
Wish my friend felt that way.
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Keto Naturopath Kitchenhttps://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
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Wellevate: https://wellevate.me/karl-goldkamp
or call them: 855-935-5382
How to use Wellevate https://youtu.be/1ulC0LLIc5c
Why get a Wellevate account to get your supplements??
1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
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4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners
How to get your Wellevate account
1. Open the link: https://wellevate.me/karl-goldkamp and registered
2. Reply to their verification email
3. Explore their website.
And make sure you subscribe to my channel!
Questions, INQUIRIES:
Karl: drgoldkamp@ketonaturopath.com
Judi: support@ketonaturopath.com
Sharing the metabolic strategy we used to regain our health and discoveries that will help you reclaim your vigor, and physique faster than you thought possible! No tricks, No marketing malarky, just the honest opinion of our own experience, 16 years of clinical medical practice, and having to save our own lives.