177: The Pandemic of The Omega 6 Induced Obesity

However you want to refer the this passing pandemic it is clear the most metabolically compromised were the ones who have suffered the most. This is both in terms of death rates and those that are consider 'long haulers'.
Obesity is high on the list of those who are metabolically compromised. This begs the question as to why, and why is there a concurrent and per-existing obesity epidemic and has this per-disposed those who are obese to being more susceptible to COVID. If so then how did that happen? both the obesity epidemic and their greater susceptibility to the virus and suffering worse symptoms from COVID?
The core of both these concerns is the inflection point of following the nutritional recommendations of the 1960s and two fraudulent studies the have come from those recommendations that are now the basis for our current Nutritional Guidelines.
WATCH or listen to NEXT:
The Ultimate Big FAT lie https://youtu.be/o8dEjA-Oy-s
How to Fix your Omega 6 https://youtu.be/bt10g7_3-E8
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Judi: support@ketonaturopath.com
Sharing the metabolic strategy we used to regain our health and discoveries that will help you reclaim your vigor, and physique faster than you thought possible! No tricks, No marketing malarky, just the honest opinion of our own experience, 16 years of clinical medical practice, and having to save our own lives.