155: Prequel to An Interview with Dr. Alan Gaby

Welcome to another episode of The Keto Naturopath!
If you want to know what is true and accurate, well-researched, and effective in terms of supplements for a given condition, there is only one reference that can offer you that. It is the eight-and-a-half pound book, Nutritional Medicine, and stands as a definitive resource second to none.
Nutritional Medicine is a science-based textbook, the result of 36 years of research by renowned authority on nutritional medicine, Dr. Alan R. Gaby.
This podcast is about Dr. Alan Gaby, the person who created that book. He comes from a different era and thinks in a way that is rare to find today. As a physician, he documented all the work he did in terms of research and treating the patients in his practice over the decades. So, if you want to know what works, what does not, and why, Dr.Gaby is the one to talk to. He truly knows what he is talking about.
Dr. Karl recently interviewed Dr. Alan Gaby. That interview will be coming up in a subsequent podcast. Dr. Gaby embodies the notion that real knowledge comes from the work of both experience and research.
The Naturopathic Program at Bastyr University
Dr. Karl and Dr. Alan Gaby met when Dr. Karl was in the Naturopathic Program at Bastyr University from 1993 to 1998. Alan would show up at various courses to give case reviews. He was an intimidating character because he was always so well-briefed on every aspect of whatever he spoke about.
The father of Nutritional Medicine
Dr. Alan Gaby is now considered the father of Nutritional Medicine.
A tough task-master
Alan was a tough task-master with a unique approach to teaching. He set a high bar with specific requirements. He required an accumulative working knowledge in the minds of his students and expected them to recall all the information he had ever shared with them at any given time.
Orthomolecular Medicine
Dr. Alan Gaby brought in orthomolecular medicine, which is the use of supplements. That approach is not appreciated much by most conventional or allopathic medical practitioners, however.
The White House Commission of Alternative Medicine
Dr. Gaby testified before the White House Commission of Alternative Medicine. He has also testified in many other cases worldwide about the supplemental use of various things. And he has written several books.
His own man
Dr. Alan Gaby is his own man. He has been on a quest to follow his curiosity about using natural medicine to work with various conditions.
A famine of nutritional deficiencies
We have a famine of nutritional deficiencies in the US today. We have all kinds of conditions induced by our diet because we do not eat real food anymore.
More important now than ever before
That is why the work of Dr. Alan Gaby is more important now than ever before. It cuts through the noise from all the false claims about various supplements available currently on the internet.
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Dr.Gaby’s Nutritional Medicine Book