Keto Naturopath – Ep 124: Setting the Record Straight on Crohn’s and Keto

Today’s episode is part rant and part testimonial. I really feel that a misrepresentation of facts as we know them, and the uninformed presentation of information, is very close to blatant dishonesty.
Recently, I watched a YouTube video about Crohn’s Disease in which a doctor explains that Crohn’s is an autoimmune disease, and it is part of IBD (Intestinal Bowel Disease).
In the bigger picture of western medicine, however, that is simply a diagnosis code, and it does not necessarily mean that you are in that box.
My goal today is to give you some real information from both my medical training, as well as my personal experience of suffering terribly from undiagnosed Intestinal Bowel Disease.
Everything is related to everything
Everything is related to everything, so if you have several related inflammatory conditions, you have a subset of autoimmune diseases that may or may not be inflammatory.
Intestinal Bowel Disease
Intestinal Bowel Disease and IBS (Intestinal Bowel Sensitivity) are artificially separated.
Within IBD, there are two conditions. One is Crohn’s Disease, and the other is Ulcerated Colitis (UC). It was thought that Crohn’s was a small intestine problem, and UC was a large intestine problem but the two conditions, which are inflammatory conditions of the gut, actually overlap.
Both Patient and Doctor
I know about Crohn’s and UC from having to memorize the information about it in medical school, having to study it for other patients, and also from having experienced it myself.

A picture to visualize
Technically, when you talk about UC and Crohn’s Disease, it actually can be your whole alimentary tract, from the rectum to the anus, to the mouth, from both ends. That area gets exposed to things that you take in through your mouth from the outside world. And those things eventually get excreted out of your body and back into the outside world.
Skin that gets exposed to the outside world
Technically, all of your alimentary canal, or your gastrointestinal tract, is skin that gets exposed to the outside world. And there is a graduation of the kind of cells within the gastrointestinal tract.
Changes in the gastrointestinal tract
It is fascinating to study the cellular changes that happen to a part of the gastrointestinal tract as it becomes inflamed. It swells to the point of obstructing itself, either partially, or completely. And that can cause crippling pain. And your bowel movements can become liquid, so you will need to go to the bathroom constantly.
UC and Crohn’s are pretty much the same
UC and Crohn’s are pretty much the same in that when they look at the pathology, they can differentiate the inflammatory processes and how it changes endothelium to something very inflamed.
Gastrointestinal shutdown
If you don’t do anything about your symptoms, it can result in a complete gastrointestinal shutdown with no bowel movements at all.
A colonoscopy
The results of my colonoscopy showed that I had both Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerated Colitis, and the solution was to put me on got steroids.
My Crohn’s Disease and UC were due to several stress-related issues, so giving me steroids to take was like throwing gas on the fire. Because my doctor was fresh out of school, I did not trust the treatment prescribed. At the time, I was losing a lot of blood, so I asked for some blood tests to be done.
Severe anemia
The results of my blood tests revealed that I was severely anemic and had only three cups of blood in my body. I was very weak as a result and had even lost my voice. Eventually, I found a different Doctor who ordered bloodwork and immediately arranged for a transfusion.
Your body only has 5 pints of blood in today and they ordered 4 pints of blood for my transfusion.

A dramatic improvement
After receiving the blood transfusion, my health improved dramatically. I began to have mental clarity, my voice returned and I was able to do more research for a solution to my diagnosis.
I looked into a therapy called FMT (Fecal Microbiota Transplant), which involves taking some stool from someone and inserting it into someone else’s rectum. It is very effective for reseeding an entirely healthy bacterial ecosystem in the recipient. It is banned, however, in the US.
Miraculous stories
There have been many stories about the miraculous results that fecal transplants have brought about within several weeks. And it is an effective treatment for the inflammation caused by Crohn’s and UC.
Pharmaceutical companies
I eventually found a way of treating myself with FMT, and the results were excellent. Since having such a positive experience my his fecal transplant, I really believe that FMT is banned in the US because the pharmaceutical companies would lose part of their subscription base for the patients with IBD.
FMT is very effective in patients who have suffered from C-Diff. The antibiotics used to treat C-Diff kill off all of the microbiome and FMT starts the process of restoring a healthy microbiome.
A healthy biome
Your diet is the biggest driver of a healthy biome, and that has always been a part of my perspective and practice.
Find out more about FMT
To find out more about FMT, check out Dr. Thomas Borody and his clinic. He has gone on to do some remarkable research.

Or Listen HERE

Until next time,

Dr Karl

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