Episode 23: Interview With THE Most Connected Person in the Keto World Today AND CEO of Low Carb USA: Doug Reynolds

Interview With THE Most Connected Person in the Keto World Today AND CEO of Low Carb USA: Doug Reynolds

Doug’s Links and Info on Low Carb USA!


Malcolm Gladwell speaks of people like Doug Reynolds in his book “The Tipping Point”. People who are connectors; ‘messengers’ in essence. They see things about to happen that are earth, and life, changing and they reach out to people of influence and let them know the significance of the social change as he perceives it.

This is Doug Reynolds, who has his own personal story of his experience with the ketogenic diet and how it has dramatically changed his life?but that was only the seed of the realization of how global the ketogenic diet was going to take root.

Doug (and his wife Pam) are from South Africa and have created the largest movement of people interested in the Ketogenic Diet ?in AMERICA. It was unbelievable foresight and willingness to act upon his gut feelings.

Now coming up this July 2018 in San Diego, Ca is the largest multi speaker conference of anyone interested in Keto. From Medical practitioners, Researchers, Therapist, etc.

Listen to this low key guy who wakes at 4 am each day to change the world?And does just that.

Or listen Here

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Until next time, Dr. Karl

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