151: How to Vastly Improve Your Genes Function

It’s unbelievable to think that there’s a method to assess your genetic mutations and to support your aberrant mutations that are hypo-functioning and hyper-functioning to create a better metabolic life. That has to do with learning ‘what you are made of’, in terms of your genetic (genome) report, and seeing what areas of your genes contribute to everything from a sense of holding you back to contributing to various disorders and diseases.
Last time, we spoke about depression, suicidal ideation, and some of the underlying causes that are easily treatable, which can change with subtle interventions like a change in diet and ketones. Today, we are picking up where we left off. We will be focusing on some genes associated with emotional disorders and mental disorders like psychosis, bipolar, schizophrenia, and severe depression.
Genomic irregularities
Another layer that needs to get looked at is genomic irregularities.
Common mutations
The common mutations found in a population are called polymorphisms. There are few polymorphisms that we can have a hand in improving.
MTHFR is linked to conditions like depression, autism, psychosis, dyslexia, and ADHD.
Various epileptic drugs can potentially cause psychiatric side-effects in patients with epilepsy. When looking at the epileptic population, many of them were found to have had a common MTHFR polymorphism causing the problem.
Vitamin deficiencies are another common cause of psychiatric side-effects in people who have an MTHFR polymorphism and are taking certain epileptic drugs.
Micronutrient analysis
Getting a micronutrient analysis is vital for finding out whether people have any nutritional deficiencies.
If the SNPs (Singular Nuclear Polymorphisms) are off by just one, it causes a problem, and there is a variety of those.
Methylation turns genes on and off. It is a detoxification pathway. In hyperactive kids or people with autism, the genes are all constantly turned on and cannot turn off.
Turning the neurotransmitters on and off quickly
We need to ensure that our methylation is so quick and adept that it can turn our neurotransmitters on and off instantaneously necessary.
The intersection with the few mutations that people can have will slow down their ability to methylate anything.
Now that we know enough about what to look for, we can intervene with nutritional applications like whole food diets and nutritional supplements.
The most problematic polymorphisms
In the average person today, we can get a map of the top 85 most problematic polymorphisms.
Irregular metabolic labs
With irregular metabolic labs, things like homocysteine, genetic profiling, nutrient deficiencies, hormones, and blood work need to be looked at, and some internal cleansing might also be necessary.
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Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and psychiatric diseases