146: Genome Secrets That Have Changed Lives

Dr. Karl first got exposed to genomic mutations (SNPs) back in 2003, when he worked with autistic children. At the time, he thought that he had found correlations (spoiler alert- autism is very multifactorial) with that condition. Then he began requesting other SNP lab tests with his patients. The helpfulness of those tests has not diminished over the years. He now includes the SNP as part of the four panels he does on his clients in his flagship program (Bio-Integration Code). It has helped him tremendously in changing people’s lives.

We have reached the final portion of our four-part analysis of what we do in our programs. We are doing that to give you a clear picture of how we find out more about each person in our program. Dr. Karl believes that it is important. It is where he has been coming from in all his years of sitting across the table from people.

We can look more deeply

Fortunately, we are now in an era when we can look more deeply at the labs (blood work), the genomic work, the hormonal panels, and the intracellular micronutrients. Personal bio-individuality reveals important and actionable information.

The example of four conditions

The four conditions that we have been using as an example in this series are female infertility, Crohn’s disease, a hormone imbalance, and obesity/fatty liver.

An example of a man

We are now looking at an example of a man who represents a lot of those conditions. He is obese, but he does not have fatty liver because his liver tests are not that high. Dr. Karl knows many details about that man’s life, including what he eats because he is tracking his food.

What Dr. Karl would be addressing

After looking at the man’s results, Dr. Karl would address his Vitamin D and his methylation issues, and his neurotransmitter issues. Dr. Karl would suggest that he drop his carbs.

The infertile woman in her late 30s 

It was vital for that woman to lock down the low carbs because she had elevated insulin and borderline elevated glucose.

The person with the hormone imbalance 

Diet drives the testosterone going to estrogen. Estrogen drops with perimenopausal and post-menopausal women, so they need a balance to detoxify their estrogens correctly. The person with the hormone imbalance needed some supplements to help her change that pattern.

The person with the autoimmune condition

The panel shows that the autoimmune condition had habitually low glucagon, habitually high insulin, and moderately high glucose. So a dietary intervention and supplements would be necessary to bring the insulin down over the long term.

The person with Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is about the microbiome. Using probiotics initially and also changing their diet will cause their microbiome to change.


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Links to articles:

The Role of MTHFR in Infertility and Miscarriages

Complex genetics of female fertility

Relationship of MTHFR gene polymorphisms with infertility

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