Keto ‘Cheese Its’

Holidays are a time to enjoy good food with friends and family.

Here is a recipe to let you enjoy your time while staying Keto or Low Carb.

It is a remake of an old favorite – a comfort food.

Normally we are dairy free, but on occasion, we will indulge.

I used Sargento Ultra Thin cheddar slices but any brand will work.

I cut each slice into 4 squares.

I then placed them on a parchment lined baking sheet.

Bake in 250 F oven for 30-35 minutes.

Store in zip lock bag with a paper towel inserted.

Tastes just like the real thing!


3 responses to “Keto ‘Cheese Its’”

  1. Lori Krueger says:

    Looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it.

  2. Lori Krueger says:

    Looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it.
    Are pork rinds the only crunchy substitute you can use?