171: What I Learned while Working at Starbucks that Made Me Go Back to Medicine.
Did you know that the 'auto-pilot' mechanism actually never indicates whether or not the plane is on the scheduled route. It only works by notifying the pilot that the plane is off course and needs to be corrected and gives the direction back to where it should be. but while it is on course, and everything is working fine, there is not indication that is the case. It is merely the lack of 'off-course- indications of warning lights and alarms that lets them know they're on track.
Kind of counter-intuitive, eh?
Yet it is very much how life works. When we are on track, in the 'ZONE', our focus narrowed to what's important to us everything is quiet.
But sometimes stepping out of that quiet reveals something to us that we would not have ever realized had we just kept chugging along.
This is exactly what happened to me when I worked at Starbucks. I got to meet people I would have never met, watch the gradual erosion of the youthful health, but the consumption of high sugar coffee drinks, or high artificially sweetened coffee drinks with chlorinated glucose called Sucralose, Splenda and all of the health deteriorating effects of both the high fructose corn syrup or the Sucralose.
I now see Starbucks as the leader in causing per-diabetes, diabetes, immune disorders of all types (specially in their workers ) from long term consumption of these drink.
7 pump Venti soy Macchiato anyone.
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Karl: drgoldkamp@ketonaturopath.com
Judi: support@ketonaturopath.com