Episode 55: Prequel 2 to Interview with Dr. Eric Westman – The Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Westman Is the physician who has treated the most patients with the Ketogenic diet.  Having seen what he has does in his Lifestyle Clinic at Duke University, his work is nothing short of remarkable. This is an introduction to all that he represents and has done for the Keto community and medicine in general. Or ...

Episode 54: C8, Caprylic Acid Triglyceride – The Secret Fat That Makes You Thin

This is a podcast devoted entirely to going deep into what exactly C8 triglyceride is, why you would, and how you should use it. From how it affects your metabolism by creating ketones within 15 minutes of consuming it, why it can help one loose weight, make you feel more energetic, to helping with epilepsy. This is a much ...

Episode 53: A Dr. Ben Summary Sequel

This is a quick summary of the major point, and the important points, that Dr. Ben Bocchicchio presented.  I did this quick podcast to make sure the basics were understood and could be implemented by everyone. Dr. Ben Bocchicchio was WAAAAY a head of the others. At a time when Aerobics were all the range Dr. Ben was changing ...

Episode 52: Warts and all…How Karl & Judi entered into Keto, to save their lives

A tad dramatic?...Absolutely not at all. Driven by a need for few more guaranteed breaths of life. Two almost terminal conditions resolved by doing something unimaginable from their experience. I was interviewed by a radio station (naturopathic content program) to disclose why we are so driven and passionate about the ...

Episode 51: Interview with Dr. Ben Bocchiocchio the inventor, the researcher, the coach behind HIT who has been doing this for over 50 years Part 2

  Listen in for part two of this incredible conversation with Dr. Bocchicchio. Touching on more science and personal experiences from his decades of research and applications of HIT, follow Dr. Ben as he delves deeper as we draw towards this discussions conclusion. If you have not listened to the Prequel or Part 1 be ...