Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) : 3 Words you Never Want to Hear.

Most of us have some idea what dementia is. Though we toss the word ‘demented’ around as a put down, Dementia, and Alzheimers experienced up close is difficult to witness. In part why it is so difficult to watch others go through the decline is because much of it can be avoided entirely by adopting a Low Carb High Fat ...

Antipasto Salad

This clean Keto Antipasto Salad is a great appetizer to bring to any pot luck or BBQ. It is so good, everyone will love it! I bring it to all my pot lucks where I am the only keto person, but it disappears quickly Keto Antipasto Salad This is a great clean keto appetizer to bring to any pot luck. I bring ...

There’s Only Two Kinds of People In The World

There’s only Two kinds of people in the world ... metabolically speaking. Let me explain. 1st, this email is to merely motivate you to get some basic, inexpensive labs, done on yourself. 2nd, why these labs are extraordinarily important. Assessment in my world is always the first step to ...

Treating Obesity as an Addiction with a Ketogenic Diet

A key sign of an addict is the craving for their addictive substance or need for a "fix". A food fix, like any drug fix, is an attempt to experience the dopamine high needed by any addict. Food addiction, more specifically, Processed Food Addiction is no different than other addictions in the sense of they are ...

Treating Obesity as an Addiction with a Ketogenic Diet

A key sign of an addict is the craving for their addictive substance or need for a "fix". A food fix, like any drug fix, is an attempt to experience the dopamine high needed by any addict. Food addiction, more specifically, Processed Food Addiction is no different than other addictions in the sense of they are ...