Episode 84: What you need to know about oxidative priority of your foods…it’s the ultimate mix of fuel for you.

This sounds pretty esoteric…Oxidative Priority…But it really means the order in which your body (you metabolism) must burn it’s fuel.

Alcohol is number one. It must be burned off because it can’t be stored…But when you are ‘burning your alcohol’ you are NOT burning anything else…Your carbs are being stored immediately.

This will be a fascinating understanding of why you blood glucose levels go down with a glass of wine, but also how you can create outrageously intense Glucose-keto index numbers if you are having any MCT oil or ketones at the same time. In fact you can achieve a GKI equivalent to a 7 day fast in just an hour. Not sure that is a good thing…though there is no negative data on this.

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Until next time, Dr Karl

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