145: Hormone Secrets

We are bringing you Part 3 of our four-part investigation into how people differ from one another, despite having similar conditions like obesity, fatty liver, infertility, or hormone imbalances.

The data that we are covering in this investigation shows us how to help people return to health from their current situation, condition, or disorder. 

Today, Dr. Karl follows up on how we measure micronutrient deficiencies. 

A new era of malnutrition

Malnutrition is no longer about people not having enough food. It is about not having nutrients.

Intracellular micronutrient assessments

When we look at people with intracellular micronutrient assessments, we go deep. Most people find that they have several unknown nutrient deficiencies. 

The Dutch Test 

The Dutch Test is a convenient 22-hour urine test, measured at four different places. It will give a graph to show the rise and fall of your hormones over that period. 

Doing the work

The people who do Dr. Karl’s program need to be prepared to do the work which is to document their food diary and attend weekly meetings. 

Peri- or post-menopausal women

The estrogens in peri or post-menopausal women are generally low. Their goal is to have a balance of estrogens. There is a panel to measure how the estrogen in both men and women is getting broken down. If estrogen does not get broken down properly, it becomes toxic and could cause cancer. 


The hormone panel also measures how much cortisol people are producing. A low ability to produce cortisol is known as Addison’s disease. Too much cortisol production is known as Cushing’s disease.


The hormone panel looks at the testosterone levels in both men and women. All estrogens came from testosterone. Pre-diabetic men who are obese often tend to have chronically high blood sugar, which converts testosterone almost immediately into estrogen. That shows up as low testosterone even though they produce it because it gets converted so quickly. 


By working on the diet aspect and reducing blood sugar levels, cortisol will drop, and men will not experience the immediate conversion from testosterone to estrogen. 

The metabolic mitochondrial aspects of infertility

High insulin levels are often the cause of infertility, so women struggling with infertility need to track their blood sugar and their insulin levels. Women with infertility often have a relative increase in testosterone because they have a decreased amount of sex hormone-binding globulin. 

Crohn’s disease and colitis

The person with Crohn’s disease and the person with ulcerated colitis would more than likely have balanced testosterone. They would need to get their glucose and insulin levels down.

The estrogen panel

With the estrogen panel, we also look at precursors for various neurotransmitters. 


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Links to Articles:

Liver and hormone imbalance: What you need to know

Endocrine Changes in Obesity

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